Department of Feed Production, Animal Nutrition, Breeding and Reproduction

Feed production, animal nutrition and agroecology

  • operational estimation of the yield of pasture grazing in the field (in situ) by the plate measuring method
  • predicting the nutritional value of feed for ruminants in INRA system
  • evaluation of feed digestibility by in-situ method (rumen cultivation)
  • performing feed intake testing using automatic feed boxes
  • determination of organic matter digestibility by in-vitro Tilley and Terry methods with standards
  • determination of the digestibility NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber) using Ancom incubator
  • determination nitrogen degradability in feed
  • determination of fiber content of bulky feeds and peNDF-the proportion of the structural component of feed
  • assessment of nutrient digestibility of feed through in-vivo bovine balance experiments for research purposes
  • evaluation of floristic composition of permanent grasslands and their breeding in various localities, including ANC (Areas with Natural Constraints) and specially protected areas of the Czech Republic


  • performing qualified sampling of soil (including description, evaluation and documentation of the main characteristics of the soil profile in the form of a pedological probe)
  • determination of the physical condition of the soil and its hydrolimites
  • monitoring the nutritional and hygienic parameters of soil, the content of macro - and microelements (including risk elements), their bioavailability for plants, estimating the risk of entry of hazardous (heavy) metals from the soil into the plants
  • determination of soil reaction (pH), mineral and total nitrogen content in soil, including humus horizon
  • qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the soil sorption complex and proposals for its optimization in the form of targeted fertilization
  • verification of the effect of additives on the principle of activators of biological transformation of organic matter on the quality of manure
  • small-scale, semi-operational and operational experiments
    • testing of optimal doses and methods of application of biological transformed organic matter
    • evaluation of soil additives to improve the use of nutrients from catch crops

Breeding and reproduction

  • solving of the current problems of cattle breeding and reproduction
  • genetic evaluation of growth and reproductive traits
  • profitable crossbreeding of beef breed cows with wagyu bulls and its effect on the nutritional properties of meat

Quality of animal products

  • monitoring factors affecting meat quality and beef carcass
  • detection of carcass composition in cattle during control slaughter and cutting
  • optimization of beef maturation and meat evaluation, including marbling
  • testing the quality of animal products
    • quality of meat: strength and nutritional parameters (fragility, dry matter, proteins, fat)
    • quality of milk and dairy products